Phosphoric Acid Cleaner
USES: Glazed ceramic tile, brick,masonry, unpolished natural stone & concrete surfaces not harmed by acidic solutions. It may also be used for mild etching of concrete.This product is NOT recommended for acid sensitive surfaces including marble, terrazzo, colored cement, metallic glazed tile or aluminum.
1. Read entire label before using.
2. Rubber gloves and eyes protection should be worn. If cleaner comes in contact with skin, wash immediately with soap and water.
3. TST A SMALL AREA with a 24 hour waiting period to determine the ease of use and desired results.
4. Pre-wet surface with water before applying cleaner.
5. Depending on nature of cleaning task, this cleaner may be diluted by mixing with up to 10 parts of water.Always add acid cleaner to water. ® Quality Products for Concrete,Tile and Masonry Glaze ’N Seal Products, Irvine, CA FS 35-3/03
6. Apply solution, allow it to sit 2-5 minutes, agitate with stiff nylon or natural bristle brush or white scrub pad to loosen haze, dirt or soil. Do not allow solution to dry on surface.
7. Use clean mop or wet vac to remove the dirty solution. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to insure removal of cleaning agents and acid.
8. Before applying any type of sealer or coating to the surface always neutralize the surface with a product such as Glaze ’N Seal Neutralizing Rinse and allow the surface to dry thoroughly before applying sealer